State Plan Comments

2025 -2027 State Plan for Independent Living


The Ohio Statewide Independent Living Council (SILC) works with the Centers for Independent Living (CILs) to create the State Plan for Independent Living (SPIL). The SPIL is a three-year plan that gives the SILC and CILs goals to work on together to improve services and the community.

This draft SPIL is in the process to be finished and submitted by June 30, 2024.

When approved, the SPIL will be active on October 1, 2024 and end September 30, 2027.


The Ohio SILC started the process to develop the SPIL with forums for people to provide input on different topics that are important to the disability community. There were also surveys and data collection done at this time.

The State Plan Committee of the SILC reviewed the information, and a workgroup was created to write the language for the SPIL. After the workgroup provided direction and input, the staff of the SILC assembled the needed information and documents to put together the SPIL draft.

The SPIL draft comment period is now closed. All feedback will be reviewed by the State Plan Committee. Any recommendations to make changes will be made to the SILC before voting to approve.  Once the SILC has approved, the CILs and SILC will be sent the SPIL to sign agreeing to work on the SPIL together. Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD) will sign agreeing to continuing to be the Designated State Entity (DSE).

The final SPIL, with all signatures, is due to the Administration on Community Living (ACL) by June 30, 2024.

Download Updated Plan and Summary Notice:

Ohio State Plan For Independent Living 2025-2027 for Public Comment PDF

2025 – 2027 State Plan Summary PDF

Ohio State Plan For Independent Living 2025-2027 for Public Comment (word)

Details in the SPIL by Section

Title Page and

  • This page gives the details of the date the SPIL starts, the State, and the federal funding included.

Executive Summary

  • This part gives you a summary of the SPIL. It lists the goals of the SPIL and gives a summary of the reason for all the sections.

Section 1: Goals, Objectives, and Activities

  • Section 1.1 – The Mission of the three-year plan.
  • Section 1.2 – The Goals of the three-year plan.
  • Section 1.3 – The Objectives and the specific work that will be done for the three-year plan.
  • Section 1.4 – The ways that the three-year plan will be reviewed.
  • Section 1.5 – The financial information for the three-year plan.

Section 2: Scope, Extent, and Arrangement of Services

              – Section 2.1 – The services that will be provided by CILs.

              – Section 2.2 – The plans for outreach for the three-year plan.

              – Section 2.3 – The plans to work together and with other organizations.

Section 3: Network of Centers

  • Section 3.1 – The list of the CILs, the funding they have, and the compliance they will follow.
  • Section 3.2 – This gives information on CIL funding, expansion, and other important details about the CILs.

Section 4: Designated State Entity (DSE)

  • Section 4.1 – The things OOD will be doing.
  • Section 4.2 – The support OOD will provide.
  • Section 4.3 – Rules from the State that need to be followed.
  • Section 4.4 – The way OOD will give funding to CILs.
  • Section 4.5 – The way OOD will review the CILs.
  • Section 4.6 – Ohio is a 722 state. This means that there is more federal funding than state funding for CILs.



Section 5: Statewide Independent Living Council (SILC)

  • Section 5.1 – This gives information about the SILC and it’s structure.
  • Section 5.2 – This gives information about the SILC’s funding.
  • Section 5.3 – This gives information about how the SILC will keep working.

Section 6: Legal Basis and Certifications

  • Section 6.1 – Gives the information about OOD.
  • Section 6.2 – Gives the information about the SILC.
  • Section 6.3 – Lists the CILs that can sign the SPIL.
  • Section 6.4 – This makes sure that everyone can work on the SPIL.

Section 7: DSE Assurances

  • This section gives the list of what OOD will follow to be the DSE.
  • OOD Director, Kevin Miller, will sign this agreeing to the information.

Section 8: SILC Assurances and Indicators of Minimum Compliance

  • This section gives the list of what the SILC will make sure it is doing to be the SILC.
  • The Chairperson of the SILC must sign agreeing to this.

Section 9: Signatures  

  • The Chairperson of the SILC and the CIL Directors sign here agreeing to work on the information in the Plan together.
  • The SILC must sign agreeing to work on the goals and the SPIL.
  • A majority of the CIL Directors must sign the SPIL for it to be sent for approval.