Three Centers for Independent Living (CILs) in Ohio – The Access Center, LEAP, Services for Independent Living – are partnering with UC UCEDD to launch the Ohio Mentorship Project. The Ohio Mentorship Project was designed to help people with disabilities in Ohio and their families navigate life by getting help from a mentor who has lived through the same or similar circumstances.

Mentors will be encouraged to build friendships with mentees while providing guidance and teaching self-advocacy skills to help mentees better understand their disability and/or accomplish any other goal they may have. The training will provide mentors with guidance on how to best fill their role.

Mentors will be compensated $300 for completing peer mentor training. Mentors who successfully meet with mentees twice and successfully document interactions will be compensated $100. Mentors who successfully meet with mentees four times and successfully document interactions will be compensated $250. Mentors who attempt mentees three times unsuccessfully will be compensated $50. Some mentors will be matched with multiple mentees and compensated accordingly. Mentors will learn how to properly document interactions with mentees during the training.

Mentor applications will be open until the end of September. UCCEDD and the CILs involved in the Ohio Mentorship Project hope to train the first group round of mentors in September and the second group in October.

To submit a mentor application, visit https://www.tfaforms.com/5125462.

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