Centers for Independent Living
There are 12 Centers for Independent Living (CILs) in the State of Ohio. CILs are a one-stop resource for Ohioans with disabilities, providing a variety of programs and services. Our collective goal is to assist these citizens to live independently in their community of choice.
CILs provide the following services to individuals:
- Advocacy
- Information and Referral
- Peer Support
- Skills Training
- Nursing home and institution transition to the community
- Youth Transition
- Diversion from nursing home or institution
Many CILs provide additional services beyond the list above that focus on working with individuals to achieve their goals of being more independent in the community.
CILs also engage in their communities to work with partners to make the community more accessible and inclusive to all disabilities.
CILs work with individuals of all ages, and all types of disabilities.
CILs are unique in that a majority of board and staff members are individuals with disabilities.
Due to funding limitations, the Centers for Independent Living are unable to serve every county in Ohio. In order to better know the needs in unserved areas, please complete the information below. This information will help us in showing the need to expand the work of Centers for Independent Living in Ohio.
Click Here to Provide Information
**For information regarding the OOD’s PCA program or Community Centers for the Deaf, contact Katie Scheetz at**

1329 Stanley Ave
Dayton, OH 45405
937.341.5217 (fax)
937.341.5218 (TTY)

510 E. North Broadway, 4th Floor
Columbus, OH 43214
866.575.8055(toll free)
614.261-0472 (fax)

2230 Village Mall Dr., Suites 1 & 2
Mansfield, OH 44906
419.526.6870 (fax)

2545 Lorain Ave.
Cleveland, OH 44113
216.696.8331 (V/TTY)
216.687.1453 (fax)

690 S. High St.
Columbus, OH 43206
614.443.5957 (TTY)
614.443.5954 (fax)

1458 5th St., NW
New Philadelphia, OH 44663
330.343.9292 ext 221
888.213.4452 (toll free)
330.602.2557 (TTY)
330.602.7425 (fax)

418 S. Broad St.
Lancaster, OH 43130
740.689.1494 (V/TTY)
888.957.6245 (toll free)
740.689.1455 (fax)

520 S. Main Street, Suite 2501
Akron, OH 44311
800.750.0750 (V/TTY)
330.762.7416 (fax)

4076 Youngstown Road, SE, Suite 203
Warren, OH 44484
330.373.1826 (fax)