Author: Jeremy Morris



Presented By the Ohio Olmstead Task Force and Ohio Centers for Independent Living Thousands of Ohioans with disabilities are in crisis: they cannot find people to work as in-home direct care workers to help them with daily living tasks. These direct care workers help people with disabilities live independently inRead More

Assessment of Vocational Rehabilitation Service Needs

Assessment of Vocational Rehabilitation Service Needs Every three years, the OOD Division of Employer and Innovation Services assesses the Vocational Rehabilitation service needs of individuals related to five primary disability categories: Blindness and Low Vision, Deaf and Hard of Hearing and Communicative, Physical Disabilities, Psychosocial Disabilities, and Cognitive Disabilities. TheRead More

Your Shot to End Covid | Cincinnati Children’s

Hear from people with disabilities, their families and direct support professionals on why they got or are looking forward to getting, the COVID-19 Vaccine. Watch video: If you are looking for more information about the COVID-19 Vaccine or have questions, learn more here.

Public Meetings October 20th & 21st

October 20th and 21st the Ohio SILC will hold it’s public meetings in person. The location – Crowne Plaza Columbus North – Worthington, 6500 Doubletree Ave, Columbus, OH 43229 There will also be a planning session for the State Plan Committee to discuss the Statewide Needs Assessment on October 19th.Read More

National Disability Voter Registration Week

National Disability Voter Registration Week takes place September 13-20, 2021 . The power of the disability vote can be substantial…but only if everyone in our community registers and votes.   Can you help further our community’s important needs with two actions? 1. Register to vote or check your registration 2.Read More

Rural Personal Assistance Project

Are you a rural person with a disability who receives personal assistance services in your home? The University of Montana is conducting a study on rural personal assistance services, and are looking for people in Ohio to be interviewed over the phone or via video chat. If you decide toRead More

CFPB Launches Rental Assistance Finder to Help Renters and Landlords

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) Launches Rental Assistance Finder to Help Renters and Landlords Thanks to the American Rescue Plan, billions of dollars in federal rental assistance are reaching renters who are behind on housing costs, as well as landlords who have struggled during the pandemic. Right now emergency rental assistanceRead More

Ohio SPIL Ammendment

The Ohio SPIL Amendment is available for public comment. SPIL Amendment Document

Transportation Access for Ohioans with Disabilities

How can we improve transportation for Ohioans with #disabilities? Share your experiences with us in our online survey at Paper and telephone versions of the survey are available. Please email to learn more. Flyer_5.11.21_

Come and share your experience!

Come and share your experience! The Ability Center of Greater Toledo is hosting a virtual listening session on April 29, 2021 from 3:00 PM until 5:00 PM EDT. During this session, State advocates are encouraged to share and discuss the barriers people with disabilities experience in Ohio. We are especiallyRead More